This is a once a year opportunity for the finance community in Higher Education to come together and explore the big topics that are on the agenda’s of university leadership teams, to consider the implications for the sector, to learn from each other and from experts who work with them and to explore how to address the challenges ahead.
We are thrilled that our partner, Julie Mercer, will again be attending the event all week and getting involved in breakout sessions and discussions. As universities look ahead to the new academic year, financial sustainability is a key agenda item with pressure on university finances coming from multiple directions including the economic recovery, policy changes, technology advances and structural tensions. Alongside this and a wide range of other topics, Julie is looking forward to getting involved to discuss how the sector is responding and to catching up with colleagues old and new.
Throughout the week, Julie and the Cairneagle team would be delighted to meet with other attendees so please do reach out via the conference website, our own website or by DM to Julie.
The conference will take place from Monday 15th until Friday 19th March. For more information please click here.