Cairneagle supports Tes Global as it expands its school software services portfolio with the acquisition of SchoolCloud

1st March 2021
Tes Global, an international provider of software services to make life easier for schools and teachers, announced the purchase of Glasgow-based SchoolCloud, the company behind the most popular online parents’ evening software in the UK.

The deal enables Tes Global to deepen its strategic focus on the provision of online and software-enabled products and services to schools and teachers. Building on its recent acquisitions of Edval and EduCare, and the sale of its Supply Agencies businesses to LDC, the addition of SchoolCloud accelerates Tes Global’s transition to a leading provider of comprehensive software solutions for the education sector.

This further widens the solutions Tes Global offers to schools, including timetabling, pupil management, wellbeing survey tools, recruitment, and online safeguarding and compliance training.

Cairneagle supported TesGlobal in their acquisition of SchoolCloud. We carried out the commercial due diligence which focused on proving out the quality of SchoolCloud’s offer and competitive position, the headroom for the business in the UK schools’ market and the international opportunity.

SchoolCloud is used by over 6,000 schools to help them with their school events, room booking and parents’ evenings. The software has facilitated a completely new way of managing what was previously a very administrative-heavy task by enabling parents to book appointments using an algorithm that automatically determines the most efficient schedule.

In 2020 SchoolCloud added video capability to the application, enabling remote parents’ evenings to take place during the pandemic. Both primary and secondary schools are now seeing this as a way forward to more effectively managing parents’ evenings, with a clear long-term change in approach now being evident across SchoolCloud’s customers. Even without the challenges of COVID-19, SchoolCloud allows for parents juggling multiple children’s schedules, childcare, work commitments and even separated parents, to be able to remotely participate in parents’ evenings.

For more information, please read here.


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