Our role
Cairneagle provided an overview of the apprenticeship landscape, focused on funding and the apprenticeship levy. We undertook a detailed review of apprenticeship starts data for the standards most relevant to LMP. We reviewed the competitive landscape for LMP, covering quality metrics, their level of focus on education and their level of overlap. Finally, we conducted an assessment of apprenticeship opportunities in the education space not currently covered by LMP or SEG.
The outcome
SEG were reassured of the attractiveness of the apprenticeship market, the opportunity for apprenticeship providers within schools, and of LMP’s strength as a business.
Case Studies
Evaluation of Canadian childcare market opportunity
Evaluation of the opportunity for a client to expand their existing operations in the Canadian childcare market, with a particular focus on understanding the attractiveness of Quebec. Read More
UK corporate IT training market strategy validation
Validation of strategic options for a client facing a revenue decline due to changes in consumer preferences and behaviour as a result of the pandemic. Read More
Commercial Due Diligence of an apprenticeship provider
CDD for Supporting Education Group (SEG) of Let Me Play, a provider of apprenticeships into schools. Read More
Read more examples of our work
Bewlay House, 2 Swallow Place, London, W1B 2AE
+44 20 7036 9400
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